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Madalene Alade Receives Honor from Interagency Council

June 23, 2017

Celebrations, Community, Disability Rights, In The Media

Madalene Alade, a HeartShare Medicaid Services Coordinator, received a “Celebrating Our Stars” Award from the Interagency Council of Developmental Disabilities Agencies.

A Medicaid Services Coordinator serves to connect adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to the resources and programs that are right for them, within HeartShare and at other agencies. As a MSC, Madalene has notably impacted the lives of Sheldon and Mary, helping them to live more independently.

Madalene helped Sheldon find a way to live on his own, while also remaining connected to his family. After his mother passed away, Sheldon’s brother became his primary caregiver. To alleviate some of that pressure, Madelene helped facilitate the conversion of the family home into a certified setting, also known as an ISS apartment. As a result, Sheldon can stay in a familiar setting, but also lead a more independent life.

Madalene also helped Mary remain in her family home after her parents passed away. Mary’s family was ready to sell the home, but Madalene helped her access the resources she needed. Today, Mary attends a day program and participates in a community habilitation program, which means that a Direct Support Professional comes to her home to work on developing life skills and pursuing personally meaningful goals.

“These are just a few of the many lives that Madalene touches on a daily basis,” said HeartShare Executive Director Linda Tempel. “Her generosity, commitment, and initiative can be seen throughout her work.  Madalene deserves to be formally recognized for the positive impact that she makes in the lives of those she supports.”